New Blog Address

Due to some technical difficulties, I had to create a new blog. Sorry for the inconvenience. You can view it here: NEW Life as a Hunton.

Buona Sera

I FINALLY took time to get these pictures together from Italy. Michael and I had a wonderful time visiting several Italian cities at the beginning of February. What a beautiful place! We were in Florence on Valentine's Day, and I'm not sure if that will ever happen again. But, the memories we made will be more than enough for me. Check back within the next few days for our Egypt pictures...and a funny video of us riding a camel!

Michael started his second semester this week. Thankfully, his professors are taking things slowly here at the beginning. We've really enjoyed being back in Vienna again without it being completely chaotic. Another bit of good news is that Michael gets a break for Easter! We weren't expecting him to have any more time off, but we are taking advantage of it and will be going to Greece for a few days. I'm really excited!

As for me starting back to school, I began the online leveling courses through Lipscomb which are the prerequisites for me to get my MBA. The courses are modified to be completed within 4 weeks, but I doubt it will take me that long since I currently have no other obligations. :) So far, I'm really enjoying it. Most of all, it's nice to wake up in the morning and know that I have specific goals of tasks to accomplish...besides cleaning, emailing, or blogging.

Now, you may be wondering when I will start the MBA program. Well, I'll tell you. Our plan is to be in Houston until Michael graduates in December, at which point we want to move back to Nashville! Our moving is contingent on Michael getting a job, but we're hopeful it won't be too difficult. I mean, who wouldn't want him? I can't imagine anyone not being interested. Anyway, I can start the program in January and, if all goes well, I can finish in December 2009.

My last exciting bit of FABULOUS news is that I have a Skype phone with a local U.S. number! Getting the phone and being able to talk semi-normally with other people is by far the best thing that has happened since we've been in Vienna (aside from the traveling, of course)!!!! It's not perfect, but I'm so thankful that people can call me, or I can call them, and it's actually clear reception. There is no doubt in my mind that God is good...this phone proves it!

Michael's computer is in the shop, but when it returns, I will post pictures from the last few months. I know you can't wait, so be checking.

Mount Sinai

As I mentioned earlier, Michael and I had the privilege of hiking up Mt. Sinai early Saturday morning to see the sunrise. It was an incredible that words can hardly do justice. We left Cairo Friday afternoon to make the 6 hour drive to Sinai. For those of you who don't know, Cairo is quite inexpensive. We spent the night at Desert Fox, which is a very "modest" campsite near the base of the mountain and paid 20 pounds for a place to sleep. (That is equivalent to $4). In spite of the rugged accomodations, we thoroughly enjoyed our time at Desert Fox, especially since we only slept 3 hours.

Our adventure began at 2:00 a.m. when we were woken by one of the camp's workers--his name was Humdee. He was a character to say the least. Anyway, we met our guide and left base camp around 2:45. The moon was full, so we were fortunate to have great natural light even that early in the morning. Due to the crowds of tourists, we chose to take a path less traveled so we could avoid everyone else. The hike took us around 3 hours with a few stops along the way. Once we approached the last leg of the hike, we encountered a couple hundred other hikers. Luckily, we were still able to go quickly without getting stuck behind too many slow-pokes. The final ascent to the top of Mount Sinai consists of several hundred "stairs" that were built by a monk who said that climbing the stairs daily was a means to do his penance. Without a doubt, I believe him.

That stretch of the climb was very challenging. Not to mention, we were now surrounded by other hikers who were, more often than not, dressed inappropriately while also not in good physical shape to complete the task. However, we persevered. Instead of following the main path, we would climb around people who were going slowly of had stopped to breath. We finally made it to the top just in time to see the sun rise. You would have thought no one on that mountain had ever seen the sun rise before by the way they were frantically taking pictures and screaming as the sun rose over the horizon. Regardless, we enjoyed the view but stayed away from the edges since Michael is not too fond of heights. :)

Descending the mountain was less time consuming, but we still encountered some obstacles. Remember those inappropriately dressed and/or physically unfit hikers I mentioned? Well, they all decided to go down the mountain when we did. AND, they chose the same path we had, which caused us some minor delays. At times, it was more dangerous for us since they were around! Once again, when the opportunity presented itself, we scooted around them and then practically ran down the rest of the way.

Overall, we enjoyed Mt. Sinai in every way. I'm glad we endured the climb and were able to experience the breath taking view while remembering what incredible events have taken place at that very sight. My legs are a little sore, but the pain is well worth the experience.

Welcome in Egypt

We made it safely to Cairo yesterday, and we are already enjoying our time here. Ashley took us to her high school devo last night, and then we had the opportunity to ride a faluca (?) on the Nile River. We sailed and ate lunch, and the weather was beautiful. It's so nice to be the visitor with someone else to be in charge of entertaining. Ashley has a tentative itinerary for us, and we are thrilled to be along for whatever adventures we find.

This weekend we are going to hike up Mount Sinai. It still seems weird to say that those are our plans, but it's becoming more normal at the same time. The people here are welcoming and hospitable, which we greatly appreciate. I entitled this post 'Welcome IN Egypt' because that was the overhead greeting when we landed at the airport yesterday. Hilarious. Anyway, more to come...

Lucky Us

For those of you who may be interested, I wanted to give you and update regarding our travels thus far. Last Tuesday, we headed to Venice. From there we ventured to Florence and are currently in Rome. On Wednesday, we fly to Cairo where Ashley (Michael's sister) is doing a youth ministry internship.

I don't even know where to begin when expressing my thoughts about what we have seen and experienced. Already, our time away has been worthwhile. I find myself growing more comfortable in cities after the first day, and I have to keep reminding myself that first impressions are not an accurate depiction of my true feelings. Meaning, I tend to misjudge our Expedia hotels until I have more time to develop a relationship with them. :) However, I'm getting better!!! (Michael is very happy about that.)

All of our "post-worthy" adventures are not coming to mind right now, but I will share this one story that just occurred. We took a tour of the Colosseum in Rome this afternoon. We decided that a break at the hotel would be the next best option. Before arriving back at the hotel, we stopped in an internet shop (where we currently are now). Our back-pack was a little bulky, and Michael accidently knocked a magazine rack over upon entering. He hurridly helped the employee pick up the books from the ground. Then, we didn't even have our passports and couldn't get on the computers! I'm flustered at this point, which is no surprise, and we both scurried back to the hotel.

After an hour of relaxation, Michael decides he wants to download the pictures from his camera onto the computer. We searched our quaint hotel room from top to bottom...and no camera. We were both at a loss because Michael had been carrying the camera around his neck the entire day. He checked with the front desk at the hotel--nothing. Then, as a last-ditch effort, he came back across the street to the internet shop. He returned minutes later with camera in hand. We are both quite relieved.

Not only are we fortunate to be in Italy, but we are so grateful that Italian luck came our way!

Happily Ever After

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